Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Am The Nation

Posted on 11:52 AM by xCub

An American Icon himself, Johnny Cash puts forth 'I Am The Nation'- With his unmistakable voice at the helm he navigates our journey through this amazing work of literature- Calling upon us all to envision our home as a living entity and treat her with the respect as such you would give any living being- Reminding us, again, that we are all one but that we came from many, all seeking similar goals of freedom and unabated ambition- The freedoms we enjoy today are the fruits of labors toiled long ago, and in these times of change, we are now called upon to do the hard work, so that our children and theirs will know the meaning of the words 'Land of The Free, and Home of The Brave'- I am the Nation, You are the Nation, We are the Nation-

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