Friday, March 20, 2009

Johnny Cash - I Won't Back Down

Posted on 1:10 PM by xCub

Let me say that I do think that we should come home, but NOT because I advocate quitting- We were, after all, changed as a people on September 11th, 2001 due to an attack on our country that originated in that exact region of the world. I just think that by taking our 'eye off the ball' and invading Iraq that we may have significantly reduced our odds of waging a successful campaign in AfPak- I am not prepared to continue to commit to a cause that I believe will only consume many more years in a foriegn land and surely will cost thousands more American lives-

1 Response to "Johnny Cash - I Won't Back Down"

Walt Schmidt Says....

The majority of the world's population respects might before anything else. At this juncture, I feel it would be precipitous to remove our troops without first allowing the current administration to voice their educated opinion.

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