Monday, May 11, 2009

Gay American Heroes

Posted on 4:37 PM by xCub

Made this for Gay American Heroes
Designed in C4D and After Effects (created by 'nonameplayer')

From their site:

The Gay American Heroes Memorial is a tribute to the lives of the hundreds of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender victims of hate crimes. Through this traveling memorial, we will insure that the lives of these heroes will be celebrated and never forgotten.The multidimensional, mobile Memorial is over 7 feet high and more than 75 feet in length.

It includes the name, age, and geographical information of the hero on a star-shaped plaque attached to color panels. Separating the six panels are panels of photos corresponding to the heroes named. A Welcome Tent will provide visitors with literature, videos, and other educational materials. It provides an interactive experience, with activities such as submitting names of heroes for inclusion in the exhibit, the “Adopt-A-Hero” fund-raising drive to help families of victims, and information on local organizations and resources for the community.

This video was created by 'nonameplayer' and uploaded to Flickr on Oct. 18, 2008-
Link to Photostream

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