Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Twitter Top Ten

Posted on 4:37 PM by xCub

Top Ten Things I Don't Need To Know via Twitter

1. That you need to pee.

2. Whether or not you washed your hands after you went pee.

3. That they put the wrong pickles on your Chic fil A sandwich.

4. That you can tweet 74 bible verses in a row via twitter.

5. That your dog just peed on the floor (actually, that was rather amusing).

6. That my dog is plotting against me.

7. That you got a really crappy parking spot at the mall.

8. That you cleaned your barn with a leaf blower.

9. That you are now following me and 20,000 of your closest friends. (Unless you are @kickbuttcoffee: "We triple filter our water then Chuck Norris grinds the beans with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.")

10. That you are back from Wal*Mart.

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